Monday, November 30, 2009


whatever rumours you heard about me, take it or leave it. If you have doubts, come to my face and ask me. Bosannya aku dengan drama korang semua, so aku mengucapkan selamat tinggal~~

jaga tepi kain sendiri boleh tak...
to the people from my past, yang hanya membuang waktu aku,
aku ucapkan selamat tinggal. get the hell out of my way ;)

hidup aku sekarang :
aku + dia + mereka = gembira.


[369] said...

hidup tanpa mereka yang TAK BERGUNA, lebih SEMPURNA.

they've been giving you emptiness.. so live life with awesomeness!

mereka takkan ke mana-mana..
the next thing u know,
they're reading this because they cant get enough of you.

i dig this post! :)

Illi Hzbull said...

like like! :)