*mahu menyimpan baju & seluar tu sehingga berjumpa dgn En.Syafiq semula. MISS YOU!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Hari ini, membosankan seperti biasa. Lalu aku telah membuat keputusan berjalan-jalan. Lokasi macam selalu, Sunway Pyramid. Boring..bertambah tambah tambah tambah boring bila En. Syafiq tiada di sisi. Selalunya ok je jalan sorang-sorang, sebab tau lepas tu jumpa dia. So, berjalan je la tanpa hala tujuan. Masuk kedai keluar kedai. Hari ni hari bertuah aku kot. Ada Padini & Seed Clearance Sale dekat depan Giant. Semua orang menggila. Aku pun join sekali. dan seperti biasa, aku akan pening bila orang ramai-ramai camtu. Tapi still usha-usha apa yang best. Pelik sekali kelakuanku hari ni. Tiba-tiba...yeay~ jumpa ni. menepati citarasaku..wee, so beli! :P
Top & Bottom from Seed.
Love the colour, the details~
both for RM22! hahaha
top : RM 9
bottom : RM 13
both are lucky numbers!
beli utk aidilfitri 2008. baru pakai beberapa kali. gatai nak kasut tinggi menggunung.
ku amat menyukainya~ tp saya tak mahu kelihatan lebih tinggi drpd En.Syafiq!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
my other half.

[Caption.iT - Face in Hole]
As I look back on all that's happened.. growing up, growing together, changing you, changing me -- there were times when we dreamed together, when we laughed and cried together. As I look back on those days, I realize how much I truly miss you and how much I truly love you. The past may be gone forever.. and whatever the future holds, our today's make the memories of tomorrow. So, my lifetime love, it is with all my heart that I send you my love, hoping that you'll always carry my smile with you, for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold.
One week without your comfort is a week without sleep, for my heart knows no rest, and my nights give no peace.I MISS YOU MUCH, CAYANG~
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
What if I lead the way?
What if I make mistakes?
What if I change the world?
What if I take the blame?
(will you be there..?)
I remember going back
To the place we used to lay
But I keep losing track
And now the days they all turn black
And our dreams all start to fade
But there's no turning back
What if I change the world..
If I lead the way?
What if I be the one..
That takes the blame?
What if I can't go on without you?
What if I graduate?
What if I don't?
What if I don't?
Now I'm slowly giving up
As the world keeps losing faith
And you still turn your back
Now the path I follow takes a toll on me...
On you,
But there's no turning back...
'Cause the world keeps turning
(why do you tell me you care if you're not gonna stay?)
My heart's still burning
(why do you tell me you care?)
I'll be waiting here
For you to call me
What if I make mistakes?
What if I change the world?
What if I take the blame?
(will you be there..?)
I remember going back
To the place we used to lay
But I keep losing track
And now the days they all turn black
And our dreams all start to fade
But there's no turning back
What if I change the world..
If I lead the way?
What if I be the one..
That takes the blame?
What if I can't go on without you?
What if I graduate?
What if I don't?
What if I don't?
Now I'm slowly giving up
As the world keeps losing faith
And you still turn your back
Now the path I follow takes a toll on me...
On you,
But there's no turning back...
'Cause the world keeps turning
(why do you tell me you care if you're not gonna stay?)
My heart's still burning
(why do you tell me you care?)
I'll be waiting here
For you to call me
Monday, May 25, 2009
I was FOCUS-ing.
then i got bored.
so i went home.
took those stupid quizzes on facebook..
tis one's interesting~
What Kind of Crazy Are You?
Your Kind of Crazy is Bipolar: Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, manic depressive disorder or bipolar affective disorder, is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes or symptoms, or mixed episodes in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time. These episodes are usually separated by periods of "normal" mood, but in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, known as rapid cycling. Extreme manic episodes can sometimes lead to psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations
Maybe~ lalalalong
then i got bored.
so i went home.
took those stupid quizzes on facebook..
tis one's interesting~
What Kind of Crazy Are You?
Your Kind of Crazy is Bipolar: Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, manic depressive disorder or bipolar affective disorder, is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes or symptoms, or mixed episodes in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time. These episodes are usually separated by periods of "normal" mood, but in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, known as rapid cycling. Extreme manic episodes can sometimes lead to psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations
Maybe~ lalalalong
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tagged by Syima.
1) sekolah mana lg besh? menengah ke rendah?
>> dua-dua pun ok kot. asyik pindah sekolah. fyi, saya telah bersekolah di 7 buah sekolah dari darjah 1 sampai form 5.
2) apakah makanan kat kantin yg korang xleh lupa?
>> keropok lekor, haha boring~ tu je makanan yang dibeli setiap hari.
3) subjek yg korang suka dan benci. ngape?
>> suka BM & English, sebab suka mengarut dalam membina karangan.
>> tak suka add maths & account. maafla, otak saya tak dpt nak menerima.
4) denda yg paling trok korang penah kena dan knape?
>> tak ingat sangat. maybe masa kelas bahasa Arab la kot. kena denda berdiri atas kerusi je.
5) pilih 1 hari yang paling bosan dalam sekolah
>> isnin, nak cuti lagi sehari :p
6) cikgu feveret korang?
>> ni susah, sebab selalu pindah sekolah. Mrs. Teh la kot..haha! English teacher masa form 1 :)
7) brg yg korang xpnh tgl ms g skolah, slain dr pen, buku, pnsil case, etc
>> handphone :p start form 1 la.
8) perasaan korg ms nk tnjukkan report card kat parents?
>> tiada perasaan. biase je, walaupun result teruk :p
9) pernah jeles bila member dpt markah tinggi? apa korang buat?
>> ada la jeles sket2..cakap nak duduk sebelah dia next exam pastu tiru dia! hahaha
10) jawatan plg besar pnh korg pgg ms skolah?
>> pengawas
11) rndu tak nak blk skolah smula?
>> rindu gak. but what past is past~
> meh la wat tag ini beramai-ramai~ :)
>> dua-dua pun ok kot. asyik pindah sekolah. fyi, saya telah bersekolah di 7 buah sekolah dari darjah 1 sampai form 5.
2) apakah makanan kat kantin yg korang xleh lupa?
>> keropok lekor, haha boring~ tu je makanan yang dibeli setiap hari.
3) subjek yg korang suka dan benci. ngape?
>> suka BM & English, sebab suka mengarut dalam membina karangan.
>> tak suka add maths & account. maafla, otak saya tak dpt nak menerima.
4) denda yg paling trok korang penah kena dan knape?
>> tak ingat sangat. maybe masa kelas bahasa Arab la kot. kena denda berdiri atas kerusi je.
5) pilih 1 hari yang paling bosan dalam sekolah
>> isnin, nak cuti lagi sehari :p
6) cikgu feveret korang?
>> ni susah, sebab selalu pindah sekolah. Mrs. Teh la kot..haha! English teacher masa form 1 :)
7) brg yg korang xpnh tgl ms g skolah, slain dr pen, buku, pnsil case, etc
>> handphone :p start form 1 la.
8) perasaan korg ms nk tnjukkan report card kat parents?
>> tiada perasaan. biase je, walaupun result teruk :p
9) pernah jeles bila member dpt markah tinggi? apa korang buat?
>> ada la jeles sket2..cakap nak duduk sebelah dia next exam pastu tiru dia! hahaha
10) jawatan plg besar pnh korg pgg ms skolah?
>> pengawas
11) rndu tak nak blk skolah smula?
>> rindu gak. but what past is past~
> meh la wat tag ini beramai-ramai~ :)

Your life is a fluid and always changing -- and you're flexible enough to handle it.
Am I ?
I'm way off track. and nobody knows.
it's getting harder to breathe.
I'm disappointed with myself...really really.
I may disappoint people around me as well..
it's all a joke to you
while I'm struggling, trying hard to forget.
I hate being serious
but this is so serious.
If i wasn't there for you, I'm sorry. my bad.
can't be perfect.
Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Bok House was an old mansion on Jalan Ampang in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The compound where the building stood is a block away from the Petronas Twin Towers, owned by a private trustee managed by the Bok family. The mansion was designed by Swan and Maclaren in 1926 and it was completed in 1929 for a local millionaire, Chua Cheng Bok. In the 1960s and up until its closure in 2001, the mansion housed an upscale restaurant called the Le Coq d'Or.
In 2001, the building was abandoned by the operator of Le Coq d'Or. Being located on a high-value land, plan for redevelopment emerged but it received opposition from local conservation groups. Initially, the local government denied there were plans to redevelop the land and hence, the possibility of demolishing the building. Local conservation groups later tried to lobby the government to gazette the mansion for its historical value but to no avail.
On December 15 2006, the mansion was demolished, resulting in public outcry. The building was only 77 years old when demolished.
After demolition of the mansion, on the 21st of December 2006 Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim challenged dissenters to prove that Bok House is of historic value. According to him:
"The cost of rehabilitating Bok House will be high and there is no significant history or aesthetic value attached to the building"
"The Government could also not save Bok House from being demolished because it is privately-owned and not registered as a heritage building."
The list of registered heritage buildings in Malaysia is in fact determined by the government.
In 2001, the building was abandoned by the operator of Le Coq d'Or. Being located on a high-value land, plan for redevelopment emerged but it received opposition from local conservation groups. Initially, the local government denied there were plans to redevelop the land and hence, the possibility of demolishing the building. Local conservation groups later tried to lobby the government to gazette the mansion for its historical value but to no avail.
On December 15 2006, the mansion was demolished, resulting in public outcry. The building was only 77 years old when demolished.
After demolition of the mansion, on the 21st of December 2006 Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim challenged dissenters to prove that Bok House is of historic value. According to him:
"The cost of rehabilitating Bok House will be high and there is no significant history or aesthetic value attached to the building"
"The Government could also not save Bok House from being demolished because it is privately-owned and not registered as a heritage building."
The list of registered heritage buildings in Malaysia is in fact determined by the government.
hahaha..funny thing. I didn't know the building wasn't there anymore. Patutla cari tak jumpa along Jalan Ampang tuh! ceh..I found out that Le Coq d'Or doesn't exist anymore when i was searching for it in the internet. Kunun2 nak bawak Nafis makan kt situ..kuikui~ Sebab pernah la makan kat situ satu masa dulu..dah lama sangat. Tu pun Abah yang bawak. Ingat lagi masa nak pergi toilet restoran tu kat atas, scary gila! Macam pergi rumah ala ala cerita Main main Hantu. hehe..ok, restoran tu dah takde.. :(
Friday, May 22, 2009
setelah menimbang berat badan beberapa hari lepas, buat masa sekarang berat adalah 46kg.
dah lama gila tak timbang, dah setahun lebih kot. ingat last sekali timbang pun kt PKNS, mesin yang mengarut siap bagi tarrot reading. :P
tinggi pun dah lama tak ukur, seingatnya dlm 165cm camtu la kot.
hmm~ i don't really care about my weight actually.
asalkan badan sihat dan kuat, huhu.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
i'll be missing you.
En. Syafiq dan Padli baru saja sarapan di rumah, mereka sekarang dah dalam perjalanan pulang ke Kelantan. Just talked to Cikgu Siti, dia kata nak datang sini, maybe masa majlis konvo En. Syafiq nanti. Kedengaran suara beliau yang gumbira, maklumlah anak teruna dia balik hari ni :)
I'll mish you, Cayang. Rehat puas-puas~
Come back soon, I'll be waiting.
love you.. Kirim salam kat semua n jangan lupa chocolate tu.
Hugs n kisses for Beefcake! <-- (TZM) :p
p/s : Daisy dah lahirkan anak, 3 ekor yg comel2!
just for the record.
maka aku buat ini.
memalukan~ :P
glad cyg love it.
tiada elemen2 canggih. sbb takde software canggih di rumah.
buat pun dlm masa singkat, so ni je lah hasilnya.
p/s : sy akui part last tak boleh blah. guilty as charged. demam Ghajini :P
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
it's time.

masa dah makin suntuk. tak lama lagi en.syafiq dah nak pulang ke kampung halaman. tinggallah aku seorang diri kat sini. sudah pasti saya akan merindui beliau. duh. bila dia akan datang balik? ha, ini kita tak tau..macam susah je nak drive ke kelantan. haha. kalau ikut kepala sewel aku, no hal je. duit takde. i'll move out and live on my own..can't wait.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
love is to suffer
To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering, one must not love
but then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer.
To be happy is to love
to be happy then is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy
therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.
I hope you're getting this down
from the movie Love and Death.
To avoid suffering, one must not love
but then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer.
To be happy is to love
to be happy then is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy
therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.
I hope you're getting this down
from the movie Love and Death.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Entri ke-100

at Kelana Seafood.
Muka-muka baru balik praktikal.

Memperkenalkan :
- Aqilah Razalli
- Khairun Na'im Jamaludin
- Shafuan Farouk
- Saiful Zanawi Mohd Nawi
- Tengku Iefiz Tengku Alaudin
Those are my best buddies in ASK. Ye, kami telah melakukan banyak perkara bersama-sama.Mereka adalah gila. Aku sangat sayang mereka. Aku rindukan masa-masa kita. Aku minta maaf kalau aku meninggalkan korang. Tak pernah pun, korang tetap di hati ku~ Marilah kita merancang semula road trip yang kita dah rancang dua tahun lepas..haha~~
S a y a n g K o r a n g.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Lubuk Pusar by Ito Junji
Hari ni berjalan-jalan di kedai buku kawasan rumah.
Cayang nak beli double-sided tape untuk tampal no. plate BFF.
Tiba-tiba tangan aku secara automatiknya menggapai sebungkus buku.
Lubuk Pusar ???!
Cyg, tengok ni ! Ni cerita kita baca dulu ?
Hey !! (excited) complete set! Cyg nak beli
Ayg nampak dulu, nak beli.
Gembiranya hati !
Jumpa komik ni. Cerita ni kegilaan kami masa form 2 dulu.
Cyg yang selalu beli komik remaja, berebut-rebutlah nak baca sambungan kisah tu.
hahaha~! Bagi kami, cerita itu sungguh menyeramkan~~~~~~
Sekarang aku dah ada complete set ! Yahooooo, sungguh murah, hanya RM7.90 untuk 3 komik tuh. Weeee :D
Cyg, saya baca dulu. Awak, siapkan design !

Cayang nak beli double-sided tape untuk tampal no. plate BFF.
Tiba-tiba tangan aku secara automatiknya menggapai sebungkus buku.
Lubuk Pusar ???!
Cyg, tengok ni ! Ni cerita kita baca dulu ?
Hey !! (excited) complete set! Cyg nak beli
Ayg nampak dulu, nak beli.
Gembiranya hati !
Jumpa komik ni. Cerita ni kegilaan kami masa form 2 dulu.
Cyg yang selalu beli komik remaja, berebut-rebutlah nak baca sambungan kisah tu.
hahaha~! Bagi kami, cerita itu sungguh menyeramkan~~~~~~
Sekarang aku dah ada complete set ! Yahooooo, sungguh murah, hanya RM7.90 untuk 3 komik tuh. Weeee :D
Cyg, saya baca dulu. Awak, siapkan design !

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Ni la hasil keje sepanjang kt Vision Works.
Ktorg dimintak oleh Abg Afdlin utk buat The Making Of..
Interview tu semua ktorg yang buat tau~!
Mase tu, 6 orang je praktikal kat situ..5 org from ASK, bersama Ann yang tengah summer break masa tu..Walaupun kt ending title tu, ktorg sbg pembantu produksi je *ehem*
The whole interview ideas adalah dari kami ye~
Ktorg dimintak oleh Abg Afdlin utk buat The Making Of..
Interview tu semua ktorg yang buat tau~!
Mase tu, 6 orang je praktikal kat situ..5 org from ASK, bersama Ann yang tengah summer break masa tu..Walaupun kt ending title tu, ktorg sbg pembantu produksi je *ehem*
The whole interview ideas adalah dari kami ye~
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
kisses for you.
aku pulak.
kau gila ke apa ?
psycho bitch, yes you are.
mak saya kata tak baik cakap orang macam tu.
owh, saya minta maaf.
awak memang baik SANGAT ! mwah~~
kenapalah dia muncul dalam hidup ku yang indah ni.
F**k you !
Pegi jauh-jauh, wek !
I hate you and hope you die.
that's too much, sorry.
p/s : just don't mess with me, or else..
aku pulak.
kau gila ke apa ?
psycho bitch, yes you are.
mak saya kata tak baik cakap orang macam tu.
owh, saya minta maaf.
awak memang baik SANGAT ! mwah~~
kenapalah dia muncul dalam hidup ku yang indah ni.
F**k you !
Pegi jauh-jauh, wek !
I hate you and hope you die.
that's too much, sorry.
p/s : just don't mess with me, or else..
Friday, May 1, 2009
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