Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Giuliana & Bill

I love their show!
I love, I love.
They're a very sweet couple made from heaven.

I like Bill since The Apprentice Season 1. 
And now that he's married to Giuliana, I like him even more.
I bet that every girl want a man like that.
A considerate, gentleman. 
Always comfort Giuliana, always support her,
though sometimes Giuliana's a bit crazy :p
But he knows how to take control.

There's this one episode, where they celebrate their wedding anniversary
Bill bought another wedding ring (coz Giuliana lost their wedding ring!)
That's soooooo cute.Giuliana is a one lucky woman!

I want someone like him.


Unknown said...

sedey mase giuliana miscarriage...but bill was very supportive!yeah!

dyn said...

love the show too..