Saturday, December 31, 2011

you're right~

  • dalam hidup ni, camna kita nak nampak kebaikan? kalau orang tu betol2 wat baik
  • kan dlm paper dok tunjuk news2 buruk slalu.
  • news baik jarang2 kluar.
  • sebab, news baik ni tersembunyi tau. padahal, mana la tau die lg banyak dr news buruk
  • contoh kita menderma. kita buat baik. amalan itu baik
  • tapi bila kita bagitau orang, apa jadik ka amalan tu? buruk.
  • senang kata, goodness is there, its just hard to find.


Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye 2011~


2011 is ending very soon!
Some highlights -2011-
  • June - I got engaged! still can't believe it. and i'm getting married, soon :P jangan cakap korang tak nak kawen, nanti cepat je sampai. Don't know if I'm ready, just go with the flow.
  • I had the best dinner by the window, thank you.
  • July - Went to Sg. Chiling for the 1st time.
  • Memories in ramadhan.
  • All the talks, won't forget that.
Goodbye 2011.

I wish you joy and happiness in years ahead as you brought light to me.
Thanks for being there.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Maniac~

Salam kawan-kawan,
Jemput jenguk-jenguk my little shop :)
still dalam construction untuk new items

Que Preciosa

thanks for your support! 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Saya Kembali !

Salam Semua !

Dah berhabuk dah blog ni, lama tak update. hehe

Lebih kurang 6  bulan lagi nak kawen, believe it or not, 0% progress !

InsyaAllah baju-bajuan n pelamin nikah akan dibuat oleh Hariz&Team Wedding Services.
Nasib baik dah dalam list, book setahun lepas ! Hariz&Team dah full sampai June 2012! kalau tak kempunan laa, nak cari tailor lain lagi..memang takkan dapat harga sama macam Hariz offer. Lagipun suka sangat workmanship dorang, kemas..! Sekarang ni tunggu turn untuk appointment.

Warna tema pun tak decide lagi !
Side En.Syafiq dah ada tema~~ 

Da- da~~

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Dah lama tak menconteng kat sini. Just nak update sikit, I asked my mom to cancel Banquet Hall, MBSA. Dah booked date, tapi tak bayar deposit sebab macam tak nak buat dekat dewan pulak. Aku memang tak nak majlis grand sangat pun. Sederhana sudeh. 

So, the new idea is :
Buat kat clubhouse belakang rumah je senang, a poolside wedding. Dalam tu memang tak besar mana, tapi parking lot besar :p No sanding-sanding for me. Pengantin terus pergi makan je, potong kek dan bermesra-mesraan dengan tetamu. Pastu buat backdrop untuk photoshoot, dah. Pelamin buat kecik untuk nikah, tu pun kat rumah je.  

Macam tu lah kot. Walaupun ibuku sudah menempah pakej dewan all-in, basuh kaki je tak payah buat apa-apa. Tapi, mcm ada benda yang tak perlu pun. Sebab saya tak mahu duduk di pelaminan, saya mahu berjalan-jalan kt majlis tu :p dan saya tak mahu tukar-tukar baju macam buat show teater. InsyaAllah akan bincang balik dengan wedding planner dan tukar pakej lain.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sungai Chiling, Kuala Kubu Bharu.

Went there a week before Ramadhan.
Great trekking and waterfall!

morning drive! alone~ huahua
*passing Selangor Dam 

Kedatanganku disambut monyet-monyet sekampung!

aktiviti memanjat! fuhh

sangat berbaloi memanjat 


will continue after raya, insyaAllah.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


True love will find you in the end
You'll find out just who was your friend
Don’t be sad, I know you will,
But don’t give up until
True love finds you in the end.
This is a promise with a catch
Only if you're looking will it find you
‘Cause true love is searching too
But how can it recognize you
Unless you step out into the light?
But don’t give up until
True love finds you in the end.

that's cute, thank you!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The reason why a seesaw was made for two people is so that when you go down, there would always be someone to lift you up again.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

sabtu itu.

saya gembira lagi.
makan tutti frutti.
tayangan filem.
uptown damansara-lamb chop.
ada orang tolong drive.


Monday, July 25, 2011

24th July 2011

It was fun, exciting


but kinda sad.

Most of all, thank you.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

i woke up to a nightmare.

20 Julai 2011.


Kawanku Si Otomen

Ni bukan kisah bantal ottomen yang femes dikalangan b2b ye.. 
Ni kisah kawan yang saya sayang..sayang la sangat :p

Makhluk ni agak sewel jugak lah..
Die kawan aku sejak sekolah rendah dulu
sama-sama anak askar, sama-sama dok dalam kem

Naik sekolah menengah, die masuk sekolah agama
pastu sombong ngan aku, aku punye la dok panggil dia mase die dok dalam trak askar tuu!

pastu terpisah..sedih!
biase lah, dah kata askar..mesti la pindah-pindah..

pastu jumpa balik..weee~
banyak keluh kesah bersama kak esah ye bila kami lepak

thanks :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lucky Friday


Alhamdulillah, happy sikit hari ni.. :)

Lucky 391
Kami menang pre-wedding video dari Romantis Studio !
Terima kasih banyak-banyak 
I guess we'll be heading up north for the shooting!

See you guys soon.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To the window, to the wall

Dah start mencari hall untuk majlis nanti. 

Kriteria-kriteria hall yang diingini :
1. Dekat dengan rumah
2. Fully air-cond
3. Nice interior (kemahuan umi ku)
4. PA system + kerusi & meja included

Dah pergi survey beberapa hall, mestilah yang dekat rumah dulu kan. Basically yang dua kat bawah ni memang dekat, belakang rumah je.

Bukit Kemuning Golf & Country Resort
Hall baru dan cantik walaupun sebenarnya badminton courts, akan cover dengan carpet untuk wedding event. Ada big and high stage. Sewa empty hall with PA system only. Suka dengan dewan tu, tapi it's wayyyy too big, about 6 or 8 badminton court kalau tak silap. Katering sediakan 30 meja je, so memang nampak tak best la nanti kan.

Kota Permai Golf Club, Kota Kemuning
Yang ni pun dekat dengan rumah, tapi tak ada big hall. Hall paling besar pun untuk 300 pax je.

Maka, pergilah ke Bandaraya Shah Alam...

Dewan Bankuet MBSA
Sampai pertengahan 2012, dewan ni almost fully booked. Luckily, tarikh kami tu kosong lagi! tu pun sebab cancellation. Harga pun ok sangat. Sekali dengan meja & banquet chairs plus PA system. 

Wisma PKPS
Hall yang cantik jugak, cozy..Umi memang berkenan sangat, tapi kena amek katering ngan dorang. Bukan dengan Kuzie Katering lagi starting from August rasanya. Disebabkan dah booked katering, kami hanya perlukan dewan~ wuwu.

Ikut parents je dorang nak buat kat mana, dorang kan tuan rumah :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bukan Di Rumah


Semalam borak-borak dengan Abah pasal majlis nanti. Reception for my side nanti memang tak buat kat rumah. Maybe buat dekat Bukit Kemuning Golf & Country Resort atau Kota Permai GCC. Sebab dua-dua ni dekat rumah je. Tapi semalam Abah cadang nak buat kat hotel pulak, maybe Holiday Villa, Subang takpun Dorsett. Tapi ni semua perancangan. Akan start pergi tanya dan booking, InsyaAllah~ Pepaham je la kahwin dekat KL/Selangor semua nak kena book awal, kalau tak kempunan la. Dah la majlis sekali seumur hidup. Abah suruh pergi pameran pengantin kat Stadium Shah Alam tu, hmm~ memang tak pernah sekali pun pegi pameran pengantin ye. Tengoklah, siapa yang nak teman nanti. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Paling paling paling penting tahun 2012, RUMAH SENDIRI.

Beli atau sewa? Akan dibincangkan.

Aku memang agak fussy bab-bab rumah ni, environment sangatlah perlu dititik beratkan.
Kalau boleh...kalau boleh ye kawan-kawan..nak rumah dalam gated area, sebab lebih selamat dan mungkin sebab aku dah biasa membesar macam tu..keselamatan penting, lebih-lebih lagi kat Selangor/ KL ni kan..tapi sekarang tak boleh nak decide lagi atas beberapa sebab. Lepas tunang hari tu, tak jumpa lagi En.Syafiq sampai la sekarang. So...decide sorang-sorang pun tak guna. Apa boleh buat, tunggu je la. It's not easy for me to decide on this matter. Jadi, aku harap ada juga dapat membantu, sekian, trimas!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

In need


Happy Saturday everyone~

Kurang happy sejak beberapa hari lepas, coz my skin is being ridiculous.
Memang agak teruk, taktau eczema ke apa dah..tak pernah teruk macam ni :(
Dah dekat sebulan tak boleh tido sebab kulit rasa pedih sangat. Duduk dalam aircond pun tak kena, kalau panas tak payah cakap lah. Tak bagitau En.Syafiq pun sebab nanti dia bising. I've been thinking lately, maybe I can start to find my own house. Sewa sudah lah~ Memang teringin sesangat nak tinggal sorang-sorang. Lagipun kat rumah ni, tak de my personal space which I really need. So, nak cari rumah dan pindah.

enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fisilly's E-day : My Make Up

 My MUA for my engagement is a friend of mine from ASWARA, Bayu!
Thanks a lot Bayu ku sayang~
Macam pernah tengok dia kan?
Dia koreografer Sehati Berdansa untuk Sein & Nana
Sekarang untuk MM Faiz, Mari Menari, sila la vote!
A talented choreographer.
Dua hari sebelum majlis, dah pegi rumah Bayu untuk test.
Tapi macam tebal, mungkin sebab tak pernah make up macam tu.
Masa engagement suruh Bayu make-up natural je, lite-lite gitu~

 Bayu yang tekun conteng muka aku.

Gumbira dengan hasilnya!
tak pakai bulu mata palsu sebab sendiri punya dah panjang, huhu
Nampak pelik je muka aku, tak reti nak senyum! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fisilly's E-day : The Ring

Salam Jumaat semua~
kali ini, marilah kite skodeng cincin yang  diterima untuk pertunangan aku dengan En.Syafiq.
Terima satu cincin je sebab cincin merisik dah dapat lebih awal.

tadaaa~ another gold ring for me.

sorry gambar tak berapa clear, snap sendiri pakai kamera biasa.
Tak ada pula gambar cincin yang aku beli untuk En.Syafiq, lupa daaa~
Cincin yang aku pilih untuk dia, silver dengan batu hornet.

Memandangkan buat masa sekarang kami berjauhan, maka masing-masing beli cincin.
Dia beli untuk aku, aku beli untuk dia. 

Tapi kan, yang aku tak berapa puas hati..~
Cincin yang aku terima sangatlah besar! :(
Even pakai kt jari tengah ke, telunjuk ke..besar okeh..jari ibu sah-sah la tak muat..gilo apo~
Umi Long cakap, jangan bukak cincin untuk 3 hari, tak elok..maknanya kena pakai la juge.

So, pakai je la..tahan dengan cincin merisik..heh~
Tak mahu pegi alter, nanti kalau dah gemok, boleh pakai lagi.
Harap-harap aku gemok, bila la aku nak gemok?
Gemok sikit sudah la~

Masa Cikgu Siti sarungkan cincin,"Eh, besar ke?"

Note to En.Syafiq :
Awatlah hang beli besaq sangat, cheq pilih untuk hang elok-elok jaa..
waaaa..kan cincin merisik tu elok je saiznye~
nak kena cubit ni! sedih hang taktau size jari manis chekk

apa-apa pun , i lap u lah En.Syafiq.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Nak update kisah E-day tapi belum dapat gambar daripada Uncle Sani, uncle ku merangkap photographer.
Dalam kamera sendiri penuh muka adik-adik yang capture muka sendiri. Adeh~ Will update when I got all the photos ya! :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

E-day : Mini Pelamin

Sekarang ni memang trend E-day pun naik pelamin eh..
menurut perintah Umi, layankan aje~
But I told her to keep everything simple.

So takde step by step macam mana terbinanya mini pelamin ni,
sebab masa ni busy kt luar, balik-balik amek bunga kt Petaling Street,
dah tersedia dan siap dah!

Thanks Umi :)

Aaa..theme dah lari dah semua..tak pe, gua tak kisah! 

comel jugak kan? hee
Bantal tu beli kt Jusco, Sunway Pyramid.
RM89.90 50% off!
takde kaler lain dah, redah aje~

sebahagian bunga-bungaan yang dibeli di Petaling Street.
try la pergi malam dan tunggu lori bunga baru sampai.
berpeluh waa cakap luuu~
abang-abang besar, kak long semua dok tunggu berebut bunga!

scary okeh!

Absolutelygorgeous By Amy : My Obsession!

Seronoknya ada contest ni, hadiahnya...
suka suka suka~
baru nak belajar pakai high heels~ hehe

Mood : Nak Kawen! :p

Kasut Idaman

source : Google

Sebab suka kasut itu :
Kasut-kasut high heels saya semuanya peep toe. Kali ni nak kelainan sikit.
Saya suka lace! nampak sweet je. Lagi suka kalau ada bling-bling sikit (crystal) atau
beading pearls. Tak mahu tinggi sangat, nanti penat nak jalan-jalan n photoshoot, hee~

kawan-kawan, jom join contest ni !
Thanks to Amy~

Saturday, June 4, 2011

4th June 2011

A best friend of 11 years, a lover of 3 years is now a fiancé.
Still can't believe I'm engaged to Nafissyafiq, my best friend.
Son to my beloved teacher, Cikgu Siti.

Cikgu Siti is now Mak :)

Abah : Orang book anak kita, kita pun nak book anak dia.

Review coming up.
Have a great weekend everybody!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

fast five.

what I did today.


Hey Odie, that's mine !

5 days to go.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Rakam Chenta Contest

Gigih submit contest, huhu. Ye la, mana tau ada rezeki, dapat jugak save budget mana-mana patut.
Untuk "Rakam Chenta Contest" by 5 Fingers Studio ni, hadiahnya menarik!

tempat pertama : 2 pemenang akan dipilih.
3 rakaman video perkahwinan secara percuma (akad nikah, sanding
perempuan, sanding lelaki)

nak !

sudi-sudi kan la like gambar kami, kepada B2B yang lain, mari la mencuba!
jangan lupa like 5 Fingers Studio :)

LIKE <- Click here!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I want!

I received my custom made maxi skirts from RNR Collection! They fit me perfectly..
love love..!
now, I really want a lace corset belt to go with it for............. 

me want this so bad! 
over kann, mak love!

nice nice~

sweet and simple !

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

someone who will

..sing to me at random moments
..tell his mother I have beautiful eyes
..bring me orange juice when I'm sick
..writes songs about me because he doesn't know any other way to tell me how he feels
..more goofy than romantic, but knows the right things to say at the right times me 3 times a day if he went away
..apologize for calling too much, and no matter how many times I tell him its okay
..let me gossip to him and just smile and agree with everything I say
..throw stuffed animals at me when I acted dumb
..write me notes
..give me flowers every once in a while for no real reason at all
..surprise me with 25 cent ring and we could have contest of how far we can spit our gum
..take me to the park, put his hands around my waist and give me big bear hugs all the time with me
..take pictures in photo booths with me
..never turn down a trip to the lake tag on the beach with me
..tell all his friends about me and smile when he does it
..sit with me on the kitchen floor and eat sandwiches
..would never be afraid to say I love you in front of his friends
..will count stars with me
.. looks me the eye and tell me something serious, that was also funny and make me promise not to laugh
.. could make me laugh like no one else can
..hold me closer than normal when I'm sick
..who is my best friend and will always be there for me
..knows when something is not right
..stands my anger
..always tell me everything's gonna be okay, though it's not
..won't let me feels alone and sad
..reminds me of the times we had

I asked so much, because I'd do the same..1000 times more
I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments. However, I can promise you: as long as you're trying, I'll stay.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Worlds Apart

Some day you will find me
I haven't gone too far
I miss the way we were back then
How we laughed
I can feel you in my heart

There's a world in your eyes I can see it getting brighter
All the hours that we turned into days
We were young seemed like life would go on last forever
All I had was you by my side

Some day you will answer
Remember how we were
When all our hopes and dreams
Floated in the air
I feel it in my heart
I can feel you in my heart

That's the way that it was in the past you remember
When we ran through the wind and the rain
We were young seemed like life would go on last forever

Now everything has changed.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Say Goodbye

If I seem distant
Baby I am
Words are like scissors
In your hands
And there's no script to follow
So I just close my eyes

That way it won't hurt so much
When we say goodbye

I feel like just like an actress
Up on the stage
I can't believe
What I'm hearing myself say
And the porch light is my spotlight
So I play along with this lie

That way it won't hurt so much
When we say goodbye

Did you ever love me?
Does it even matter?
Did you even notice
The whole world shatter?

I just wanna hold you
and tell you that I'm sorry
But I just keep it all inside

That way it won't hurt so much
When we say goodbye

My heart feels like a circus
it's too much to take in
It's hard to lose a love
But you were my best friend
So  I walk this highwire
Alone tonight

That way it won't hurt so much
When we say goodbye
That way it won't hurt so much
When we say goodbye

Sunday, April 24, 2011

thank you.

Don’t let your ears witness what your eyes didn’t see. Don’t let your mouth speak what your heart doesn’t feel.

you won this time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

11 April 2011.

Spread a smile, spread the cheer
Look around it is your day,
make a list to spread it all
and then everyday is your day.

Fill the rooms, with baloons,
and stuff some mouths with sweets.
Make a list to do it all,
and then enjoy the pleasant treats.

Gather some faith, earn some hope,
make the most of this beautiful day.
gather it all, just to give it all
spread the joy, it is your day.

Happy birthday dear self..

Thanks to my Mom, who brought me to this world..24 years ago. May Allah bless you.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Terhenti Di Sini.

Berkepit setiap hari di katakan  queen control.
Dibiarkan terbang bebas dikatakan tak pandai menjaga.

Ku terhenti di sini.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

won't hope for anything anymore..

too tired..
stop hoping..
it's just a dream..

left me wondering, that's all you do.
i hope you'll get your LIFE back.

Monday, March 14, 2011


9th March 2011, our 3rd anniversary..still feels weird..
he was a good friend, stuck with him forever.. :)

while tutti frutti-ing, I gave him the presents.
and the award goes to..En.Syafiq.

suruh dia letak kat dashboard keretanya!
ada lagi satu, heart shape lollipop.

Later that night...
makan kat Restoran Putera Ayu, Shah Alam. Selalu lalu je, hari tu tuju kesana.
Makanan sedap, puas hati! dan sangat love!

cuppycakes by Wondermilk!

sedap, sila pergi!
Restoran Putera Ayu, Padang Jawa.

May our love grow stronger each passing day.
Thanks for being there.

13/3/2011 - Birthday En.Syafiq. nanti kita update!